The North American Division Administrative Committee voted on Sept. 13 to adopt and endorse the Adventist Women Leaders initiative. What started with a lunch for 15 women gathered in a conference room at the NAD Year-end Meetings in October 2017, has grown to more than 100 subscribers to an email newsletter published twice each month.

“AWL is a community where we can connect, tell our stories, learn from others’ experiences and find inspiration in our shared journeys,” says Debra Brill, NAD vice president for Ministries, who chairs the initiative.

The goal is to create and foster a nurturing and supportive community for women who serve in leadership capacities for the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Women who serve as presidents, vice presidents, directors, associate and assistant directors, administrators, superintendents and leaders of Adventist ministries are invited to join the community. They will find a group that acknowledges the gifts God has given to each woman, offers leadership development, and fosters a culture of inclusivity and opportunities for growth.

“We are here to say to women in leadership: ‘We see you, we acknowledge your call and accomplishments, we rejoice in how God is working through you, we are here for you, and we are praying for you,’” says Celeste Ryan Blyden, vice president for Strategic Communication and Public Relations for the Columbia Union Conference, who spearheaded the initiative.

More information and ways to participate