Our biggest takeaway from studying the book of Daniel might be the fact that God wins in the end. As simple as that may appear on the surface, when we really see the end approach, we’ll find ourselves struggling to remember that victory is just around the corner. It will be easy to feel all is lost, when the world is crashing down upon us and there seems to be no escape from the chaos and pain.

Seeing Christ in His heavenly position, interceding and protecting His saints, and preparing to rescue them from this sinful planet, will be an image we will not want to forget as we face any and all trials that may be in our future.

Nearly all the prophecies that Daniel brought to us have been fulfilled. We have only to wait for that glorious, eternal, final outcome that will mean an end to all our pain and suffering in this present world. Families and loved ones, particularly during this current pandemic, are experiencing an altered existence like no other in our lifetime.

We can either continue our selfish, greedy behaviors, or come together and help each other survive the onslaught, both medical and economic, that is surely ahead around the world. Once again, God leaves the choice to us.

It may seem we are being held captive by an evil force, and it will be easy to focus on that. But, at the same time, we are given the opportunity to look above for our deliverance, and find peace and comfort in our coming Lord.

There are many ways this unfortunate turmoil could play out. And, as Christians, we don’t know the end from the beginning, any more than our neighbors. We only know that the final ending will be good for those who have put their faith and trust in God.

That’s what Daniel has taught us…and just in time.

 See lessons on the book of Daniel, with “The Teacher’s Notes” at http://outlookmag.org/author/teresathompson/