My friend, Bria, graciously allowed me to post this. It’s taken from her Facebook page. Sometimes we don’t understand God’s ways. What looks like rejection is only Him drawing us closer to Himself. Bria captures a great visual to help us remember this truth. Janel R. Brasuell

Guest Post from Bria Dispoto

We were watching Stuart Little tonight  and the part came on where Stuart goes missing and the family is so worried about him and frantically trying to find him that they cut out I guess the only pic they had of him which was the huge family portrait hanging above their fireplace to use for the missing flyers.

When Stuart comes home and the only ‘person’ in the house is the mean old cat, the cat tells him the family went to the movies and they’ve been having lots of fun since he disappeared. He also tells the mouse that the mother said she didn’t ever want to see his face again; and that’s when the cat draws Stuart’s attention to the portrait above the fireplace. He tells Stuart that they cut his face out of the picture so they wouldn’t have to look at him anymore because they don’t care about him. When in reality, they loved him so much, that they were willing to deface a treasured family portrait to try and find him. Their action may have looked bad from Stuart’s point of view without an explanation, but really, the family was acting out of love for him. They had a greater purpose for what they did, far beyond anything Stuart could see.

It didn’t hit me until later that our situations in life are the same way. God may be doing something in our lives that, from our perspective, seems really awful, or just doesn’t make any sense. But, from God’s perspective, it makes perfect sense and will result in something truly amazing, and ultimately, His “awful, confusing” actions are all done out of love for us. The devil will use every opportunity in our lives to change our thinking about God and tempt our faith by making things look really difficult, painful, impossible, etc. but we must not give in; we must remember God’s promise to us that “all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

Sometimes bad things happen to us, but God will always use the ‘bad’ to create something absolutely beautiful.