It is apparent in our world today that many are unable to see things from any point of view but their own. Many are certain that they understand the situation and that their take on it is correct, and if they say it loudly or forcefully or bluntly enough, then surely everyone else will see it their way, which is obviously the way you would see it if you weren’t such a complete idiot. Don’t think this is true? Spend just 5 minutes watching or listening to the news or even 3 minutes on a social network site. Whether it is world, local, or church politics everyone has a belief, and their self-appointed task is to be sure others know what they believe and how incredibly stupid (Can I use that word? Pretty sure I used to get my mouth washed out with soap when I used that word when I was a child.) one is if they believe differently. And unfortunately, sometimes the rhetoric is anything but Christian.

Part of this conflict is due to our personalities, and part of it is caused by which area of our brain leads our thinking. Everyone likes to think that they are a logical thinker, but in reality most of us don’t naturally think logically. The biggest difficulty comes from two sources: 1) people who lead with their left basal brain, and 2) those who lead with their right basal brain. Let me try to explain.

The left basal thinker follows policy carefully and closely. If event A happens, then B (a previously specified action) should follow. If the policy or procedure isn’t followed precisely, then it isn’t logical. The left basal thinkers never deviate from routines or rules. In contrast, a true logical thinker stops before addressing an issue or situation and asks some important questions: “What if anything has changed that makes this circumstance different than it was when the policy or rule was established?” If it appears that everything remains the same, they will follow the procedure as in similar situations previously; however, if it is determined that there is a difference in some part of the situation, the logical person will adjust and revise the rules to meet the changes.

The other source of confusion comes from those who lead with their basal right. These people believe they are logical because their decisions are based on feelings. We sometimes forget that feeling-based decisions are based on reasons and are therefore rational. Our confusion comes when we believe that rationale equals logic. In reality, these are quite different. In order to make a logical decision, the rational needs to be recognized, validated, valued, and used as part of the sum of the solution along with policy, procedure, rules, and what part of the situation is different at this time. (From: Thriving in Mind by Benziger)

So when we hear all the voices loudly proclaiming what they believe, ask God to help you see His will clearly. If kindness and love aren’t part of the equation, then it probably isn’t His will.