So what’s your story? Do you have one? Of course you do and so do I. Here is a thought for you–God never writes a story without a good ending. UGH is this true? What about my friend who died before she saw her first grandchild? What about my friend, Ron Scott, who is paralyzed from a skiing accident. Where is the good ending in things like that?? IDK but God does. Don’t get me wrong I know when we cry Jesus cries with us.
Here is what I know, God really does know the beginning from the end and one day in the New Jerusalem, sitting at the feet of Jesus our stories will be told and we will see what ever has happened God has taken it and made good. Can you even imagine reviewing your life with Jesus as the guide? He will show us and explain to us why.
This world is sinful and I know God never intended for us to have the awful things happen in our lives that are happening but He is faithful to us.
In a German concentration camp these words were written on a cell wall:” I believe in the sun, even when it is not shining. I believe in love, even when I do not feel it. I believe in God, even when He is silent.”
It will all be made known to us someday.