We’re getting close to an important election here in the United States. There is a candidate running for the red, and for the blue ticket. But, let’s not forget the white, independent candidate, the other color in our flag.

Matthew 17:2 tells us that Jesus’ face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as light. And in Daniel 7:9, we see the Ancient of Days in a garment that was white as snow.

Therefore, we Christians have a third, independent candidate we can vote for. His name is Jesus, and He wants us to choose Him every day of the year. Willingly, not out of fear or some manmade law.

His agenda is easy to find, but not so easy to follow. It’s right there in the Bible.

God’s agenda:

  1. Pay your taxes. (Matthew 22:21)
  2. If a government official asks you to do something, don’t resist, do double what they ask. [Of course, unless the request causes you to violate God’s law.] (Matthew 5:41)
  3. Help the poor and underprivileged, no matter who they are. (Mark 10:21)
  4. Be strong on moral and family values, so you can be an example to others (Matthew 7:12 and 19:6)
  5. If someone is mean to you, do nice things for them. (Matthew 5:44)
  6. Serve others, and not yourself. (Matthew 23:11)
  7. Emphasize self-sacrifice. Be willing to give God everything. (Matthew 16:24)
  8. Don’t worry and don’t judge others. (Matthew 6:34 and 7:1)

[Thanks to Pastor Michael Halfhill, Piedmont Park SDA Church in Lincoln, NE, for laying out this helpful agenda in our sermon this past week.]

When we choose to follow His agenda, we will make our world a better place; and we’ll definitely be on the winning ticket this year, and every year.

But there’s one more thing I was reminded of. If you recall, Jesus’ last miracle before He went to the cross was healing the right ear of someone who had come to arrest Him. The thing to note in this miracle was the fact that Peter, thought to be one of His most devoted followers, was the one who used a sword to cut off the ear that Jesus had to heal.

Many times, we are like Peter—we are ready to lift up our sword (aka, our computer or phone keypad) and fight brutally to defend our chosen candidate, no matter which one it is.

P.S. We don’t really need technology to do it either. Psalm 57:4 says our tongue is a sharp sword. Proverbs 12:18 says rash language pierces our foes like a sword. And if we still aren’t convinced, Proverbs 18:21 says death and life are in the power of the tongue.

Ouch, that hurts, Jesus. But, we know He can heal.

Let’s all remember to do more healing and less hurting during and after this U.S. election!