I thought I’d share something I wrote a few years back based on the rhyme and meter of “T’was the Night Before Christmas.”


‘Twas the Night of Christ’s Birth

‘Twas the night, that first Christmas, and throughout the hen-house,

The creatures were stirring, including a mouse!

The prophecies had been told, the details they shared,

With hopes that King Jesus would soon be there!

While the sheep were all nestled all snug in their beds,

Visions of Messiah danced in the shepherd’s heads.

They talked quietly of prophecies as the night elapsed,

The day-shift settled in for their much needed naps.

When out in the field there arose angelic clatter,

They sprang to their feet to see if it mattered.

For across the sky their appeared a great flash,

Bright as lightening; they waited for thunder to crash!

In courses to commoners the angels they flew,

To herald to them excitedly, “The prophecies are true!”

More rapid than eagles their courses they came,

They hovered, and heralded, and called Him by Name!

A wink of their eye and a twist of their head,

An angel said, “Dear shepherds, you’ve nothing to dread.

I bring you good news, great tidings of joy,

Which will be to all people; every girl and boy!

Unto you this very night, a Savior is born,

You must go and see Him, this first Christmas morn.

In a manger you’ll find Him, in a lowly cattle stall,

Now dash away, dash way, dash away all!”

The shepherds stumbled and mumbled and turned with a jerk,

As they realized the old prophecies were truly at work!

But before they could say, “To the manger, let’s hustle!”

Suddenly there displayed an angelic bustle.

The shepherds heard them exclaim as they flew into the night.

“Glory to God in the highest; peace to all in God’s sight.”

© Craig Carr, 2010

As you can tell, I love the Christmas season.

Yours, and His,

Craig Carr, D.Min, ministerial director for the Mid-America Union