Dakota Welcomes the
du Plessis
Family to America
The Dakota Conference would like to welcome Casper and Cindy du Plessis to America. Casper du Plessis says, “We are the new family on the …
The Dakota Conference would like to welcome Casper and Cindy du Plessis to America. Casper du Plessis says, “We are the new family on the …
Dakota Conference Hires Mark Weir as VP of Administration and Education Superintendent
Dakota Conference would like to announce the hiring of Mark Weir for the position of vice president of administration and education superintendent. Mark and Judy …
Some moments in our lives leave indelible marks on our memories. If we close our eyes, we can recapture the feelings they invoked.For Jason Woll, …
Phyllis Alexander of Rapid City, South Dakota, says she asks the Lord to open doors for her, but to not let her walk through them …
The Dakota Conference welcomes Sarel and Ronica Smit, and their daughter Twainé, from South Africa to the United States and to the Dakotas. Before pastoring, …