Dakota Opens New Schools
The Dakota Conference has opened three new elementary schools this year. Red River Adventist Elementary School in Fargo, North Dakota is starting with Kimberly Clarke …
The Dakota Conference has opened three new elementary schools this year. Red River Adventist Elementary School in Fargo, North Dakota is starting with Kimberly Clarke …
When Christopher Sayler, a seventh-grader at Hillcrest Adventist Elementary in Jamestown, North Dakota, started working on his Keep North Dakota Clean poster in January 2015, …
Campion Academy began the school year with a new spiritual program intended to make students an integral part of local churches now. This program is …
In 2014, the school board of the Garden City Adventist Church in Kansas was on a mission. The board wanted to re-open their school, which …
Minnesota Adventist Education Department welcomed several teachers to the conference family at the In-service Training held Aug. 2-5. These teachers were able to meet their …