The Sabbath school primary class students at St. Louis West County Church were given the challenge to focus on missions during the first quarter of 2023. They learned about some of the mission projects in parts of the East-Central African Division. Most of these were related to Christian schools. 

Their teacher encouraged them to bring in offerings. For every 25 cents given in offering, the students could choose one ‘duplo’ block from a bin, with which to work together in building a representation of a school structure. 

In all, the class gave $55.25, with one student bringing a sacrificial offering of $20.00 one week, which provided 80 blocks. A lot of building went on that morning! Another student suggested adding a cross to the school roof since it represented a Christian school. A special feature of their school structure was a playground, including a swing set, slide, and a horse to ride.

The teacher, Mrs. Moore, was inspired by the generosity, enthusiasm and cooperative spirit of her students as they built their “school” week after week. 

Mrs. Moore cites the mission stories read in class to be a source of interest to the students. She says, “What a blessing to many people, far and near, when young people take an interest in missions. I hope that supporting missions will become a way of life for these students.”