On Sabbath, March 30, students and staff at Union College re-enacted scenes from the final moments in the life of Jesus in their Resurrection Pageant. Their depiction of the various scenes in the drama was compelling and effectively drew the observer in to be part of the story. Sometimes just reading the words allows a little distance between ourselves and what went on. But when it happens right in front of you, you more easily find your own place in the story. The emotions run high when you hear people demanding His crucifixion at His mock trial, and then watch Him struggle with the cross. But the heart swells again at the resurrection because He broke death and sin! If my emotions flowed so freely during this wonderful depiction, what must it have been like to witness the actual events! I’m so grateful that the story was told in this way. Even the local newspaper picked up the story, so our community would know that Seventh-day Adventist Christians love Jesus and celebrate His life, death, and resurrection, because of the witness of our students and staff at Union. Visit OUTLOOK’s Flickr page to see more pictures.
Guest author/photographer Mic Thurber is ministerial director for the Mid-America Union Conference.