
53 search results found for “#sabbathslowdown”.

#SabbathSlowdown: Calling Collect Celebrating Sabbath with the Free Gift of Prayer

Many of my peers remember pay phones. They could be found on street corners, outside drug stores, and even in our school lobby. If you …

#SabbathSlowdown: A Prayer for Leaders

Jesus prayed. He prayed on behalf of others and on behalf of Himself. I often wonder to myself whether or not people prayed for Jesus …

#SabbathSlowdown: Resting in Peace Shabbat Shalom and What it Means to Find Peace on Sabbath

There is an idea in the Jewish faith about Shalom–about peace. The shalom experienced by Adam and Eve in the midst of the garden with …

#SabbathSlowdown: Claiming Peace in 2021

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I …

#SabbathSlowdown: Inviting Jesus for Christmas Can Santa and Jesus Coexist?

I’ve written before about the plight of Christians who celebrate Christmas. Beginning with Halloween and on through the New Year, we often get raised eyebrows …