Hi everyone! I know I’ve haven’t posted here in awhile but I wanted to update you on a new project I’ve been working on. As you may already know, I’ve launched a new site called DailyTekk.com which curates cool and useful technology. Among the many features of the site, I really enjoy creating huge, bookmark-worthy list posts (which can take between 6-10 hours of work per post).
Every monday, I publish a post that lists the top 100 tech items in a given category and I thought I’d share a few of my favorites here and why I think they would be useful for pastors and other church workers (from teachers to administrators to marketers and the list goes on…). At first (I’ve heard) some people tend to think 100 items is overwhelming, but, luckily for you I’ve categorized each post to make it easy to skim and find exactly what interests you.
Let me know if you think this is useful. I also post useful and interesting content on Twitter (different that what does on the site) here: @DailyTekk.
Over 100 Incredible Infographic Tools and Resources
“I love a good infographic! After all, knowledge is power and the visualization of data makes absorbing information all the easier. Well-designed infographics have a way of pulling me into a subject I’d normally never care to know about.”
Making it easy to undertand complex ideas should be a priority for every church worker. I think every sermon should be accompanied by an infographic! Infographics are really popular right now. The Occupy movement really latched on to this post, spreading it around like wildfire within their ranks–it would be cool if the church could make use of it as well.
100+ Professional Social Media Business Tools for Brands and Marketers
“Social strategists, community managers and content programmers know that social media for business is more than just posting an update or tweeting some news–that’s for consumers.”
Did you know there was more to social media than posting status updates? Ya, lot’s more, especially for businesses and organizations. Aside from just getting your message “out there,” professional social media tools let you easily monitor the global conversation happening around your brand (the church is a brand, right?) and respond where needed.
Photo Geeks Rejoice! 100+ Photography Resources, Inspirations and Services
“I really went out of my way to try to find some new photography resources that pros and noobs alike probably haven’t seen or heard of before.”
You don’t have to be a “professional” photographer to appreciate this post. Pastors should have people in the audience using their smartphones to take awesome pictures of things that happen at church (hopefully you’re church has something pic-worthy going on, I know a good deal that don’t) and posting them online for people to see. Like they say, actions speak louder than words so why not show the world all the action happening where you are?
Charity Toolbox: 100+ Nonprofit-Specific Tech Tools
“I spent a good 6-7 hours of my free time researching, typing and linking but I feel like my effort paid off since I discovered dozens of new tools I had never heard of before including a few that are still in private beta testing (denoted as coming soon).”
There are some coooool services out there for nonrofits that I am almost positive you haven’t heard of before. I’m not talking “Gmail” for nonprofits… that’s nice, but not nearly as cool as what else I was able to dig up. Especially in the fund-raising category there are some awesome ways to support your cause.
Travel Smarter: Over 100 Top Websites and Apps for Your Next Trip
“If you’re a frequent flier, you’ll probably want to bookmark this post right now. Planning your honeymoon? Bookmark immediately. Time to take the fam on an awesome vacation? Bookmark-city. Included here are some awesome new tools that can help you save money when you book your trip, find cool people to sit with on your next flight, help you discover fun things to do wherever you go and much, much more. Ever worry about bed bugs? There’s even a link for that here too.”
I think that about sums it up
The 50+ Best Ways to Curate and Share Your Favorite Social Media and News Content
“There’s so much information online just begging to be curated: news, social media, images, video, websites… the list goes on. Reading great content from my favorite blogs and websites is one of my favorite down-time activities. It’s also an important part of my job as an IT Director because I need to stay on top of the latest trends, announcements and tech news.”
Could curation be an important part of your job too? No matter what your profession is, I would almost certainly think the answer is a big fat YES. Just organizing and saving links to great sites, articles and online resources it something every pastor should be doing.