Twenty-four members of Team World Vision Newday crossed the finish line of the Denver Colfax Half-Marathon on May 19. This team of racers was championed by the Newday Adventist Church in Parker, Colorado.

Along the course, the team was cheered on by family and friends who turned out to support them on a beautiful race day. In addition to accomplishing the challenge of covering 13.1 miles, they also changed lives by raising funds for World Vision’s* clean water work. At the end of race day, the team’s total had surpassed $38,000, which will provide clean water to more than 760 people for life. 

This race marked the 10th year that Team World Vision Newday have moved their feet for clean water. Returning members welcomed new teammates, and some of our youngest runners were second-generation participants. 

The season began back in January with 18 weeks of training to prepare for the race. Throughout that time, the team shared the need for clean water and invited others to partner with them to end the water crisis. Many on the team stepped out of their comfort zones, both to make fundraising asks on behalf of vulnerable kids and to run further or faster than they thought they could. 

First-time participant Cynthia Lim says of her experience,

“I have never run a race or done solo fundraising before! But going through these past five months with such a supportive team has been a huge joy. I not only got to make an impact but also build relationships, break personal distance records, and grow my comfort zone.” 

Baylie Thurber, who completed her fourth season with Team World Vision Newday, reflects on why she joined and what has kept her coming back: “When I first met [the team], they didn’t know me and I didn’t know them, but we instantly had a shared bond as runners. I was seeking connection and support, and, in my new teammates, I found this and so much more.” 

“I was inspired by passionate, loving people who would not call themselves runners, yet they ran to bring awareness to a desperate need in the world,” she continued. “

After learning more about World Vision, my heart was filled with that same passion and love. Every time I ask for a donation, I get to share a little more of that passion and love for others and I am honored to be a part of that.”

Team World Vision often reminds its runners that they can go “further together,” and it proved true again this season. The encouragement of teammates and the support of the church helped this team accomplish more than any of them could have done on our own. 

World Vision, a Christian humanitarian organization, is the largest non-governmental provider of clean water in the world, and clean water is essential in their efforts to address the root causes of poverty.

* World Vision is not affiliated with the Rocky Mountain Conference nor the Seventh-day Adventist denomination.