The Minnesota Conference is reaching landmark levels of growth among Hispanic communities, thanks in part to the enthusiasm of their youth and a 2023 focus on evangelism in every Hispanic church in the conference.

Pastor Eduardo Jacobo, Hispanic ministries director and family life ministries director for the Minnesota Conference, reflects on 2023 Esperanza Minnesota:

“We praised the Lord for the wonderful ministries at the Mid-America Union and the Minnesota Conference that connect people with mission and provide opportunities for spiritual growth. 

“We especially want to thank God for 2023 Esperanza Minnesota, a mission initiative of Hispanic Ministries that in conjunction with Hispanic Ministries at the Mid-America Union and Multilingual Ministries at the North American Division made possible an unprecedented evangelistic thrust in the Minnesota Conference territory last September that brought 119 souls to baptism.  

“This initiative was enhanced by the participation of Pacific Press “El Centinela Festival” at the conclusion of the week. The festival closed a wonderful week of spirit-filled presentations in every Hispanic church in Minnesota.  

“As a result of this initiative, Hispanic Ministries crossed the threshold mark of 200 baptisms in one year for the first time in our 31 years of history in the Minnesota Conference. In addition, members have increased not only in number but also in dedicated participation. The testimonies of the members were a powerful reminder that when mission is at the heart of ministry the miracles of God follow. 

“The Lord has blessed our field with increased finances and a united front in mission in all ministries. We thank God for His continued guidance and blessings in our field!” 


Daniel Borja, pastor of multiple Hispanic churches in the Minneapolis area, shares inspiring stories from Minnesota’s Hispanic youth:

“The Minnesota Conference Hispanic ministries promotes active discipleship with our young people in the field and encourages them to serve in leadership and other activities. This year the activities we developed gave us the opportunity to remain active in various local initiatives and maintain the flame in our youth leaders, along with opportunities to establish new challenges for 2024.

“Without a doubt, participation in the Mid-America Union Conference Hispanic Youth Congress last July was one of the most outstanding activities. Themed “Heaven: Don’t Miss it for the World,” the event was aimed to ignite the spirit of our young people. The Minnesota Adventist Youth Hispanic Federation (MN FESJA) promoted the involvement of our Hispanic youth, with an awesome group of 120 delegates attending the event.

“Pastor Jose Vicente Rojas was the main speaker. He delivered impactful messages about youth engagement in missions, stressing the role of the Holy Spirit in these endeavors. Pastor Rojas focused his messages on mission, love, witness and empowering youth. Rojas shared his own experiences, biblical messages, and even performed some magistral guitar playing. 

“The seminar speakers gave powerful messages on relevant topics for young people. Presenters included Armando Miranda Jr.  (North American Division ), Tyrone Douglas (Mid-America Union), Santiago Fernandez (Union College), and Vanessa Alarcón  (Rocky Mountain Conference). The Maranatha Bible Camp in Nebraska, where the event was held, kept us busy with several exciting activities including sports tournaments, zip-lining and water activities.

“One of the main events to celebrate was the baptism of nine young people from different conferences who were touched by the Holy Spirit while participating in this event. 

“As stated earlier by Pastor Jacobo, the Hispanic ministries of the Minnesota Conference brought 200 new disciples to the Lord through baptism in 2023. The youth have been key in this achievement, as in each of our churches they have been involved in leadership and discipleship in mission.

“One inspiring story is that of Irwin Aldair, who, after returning to Minnesota following the youth congress, was moved to return to the path of the Lord and during the fall evangelistic campaign (2023 Esperanza Minnesota) he was baptized. In his words, ‘It is the best decision I could make. I am excited to know that God gives me the opportunity to start over and I am willing to work for Him in His mission.’ Like Aldair, many young people with their complete families came to the feet of Jesus, thanks to the leadership of our young people and the team of Hispanic pastors and leaders in Minnesota.”