
  • How has it been going?  What has felt like movement or change this week?  What has felt like growth or progress?
  • What was your high this week with your progress?  What was your low?
  • Was there room for improvement in your thoughts?  Are you being compassionate with yourself?  How could you be more compassionate?
  • What small step can you take to make a small shift toward your goal?
  • What tasks could you take action on this week which would move you closer?  Put these on your schedule now.
  • Step into the feeling of accomplishment.  Describe how you will feel at the end of this week when you have met these small goals?

Verse of the Week:  “May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.”  Psalms 20:4 NIV

Your prayer for this month?  Write one out.  Make it specific.  May God put His blessing on your plans and make all your plans succeed.