King Ahaz of Judah thought he knew who his friends and enemies were. But he ended up being all wrong. His stubborn refusal to believe God cost his country miserably. Isaiah had clearly spelled out for him what his real threat was, but Ahaz refused to listen to God’s perspective. (Read Isaiah 7, or find out more from

How often we think we have some situation all figured out, but later learn that we had it all wrong. This should not surprise us. After all, we are human and have only limited ability to decipher all the details of our circumstances.

But when shown that our previous position was faulty, we should be willing to admit our miscalculations and pivot our efforts to correct any wrongs done. This kind of humble action is certainly required for many of us in the context of today’s world. Just as it was required of Ahaz.

Confusion is everywhere, now more than ever, and trust in just about everything is fast eroding. Only by focusing on God, in maintaining our relationship with Him, can we navigate the difficult religious and political waters we are drowning in. No human on earth can save us. Our trust must be in God only.

Let’s put our energy in getting to know God better. Satan will take care of himself. God is the solution. We are the problem. Only by recognizing our inadequate ability to save ourselves can we continue to survive and thrive in today’s world.