It started over a year and a half ago. Chris Duncan began coming to the Sullivan Seventh-day Adventist Church with Ed Murray, one of the elderly church members. Ed had a few rentals on his property and Chris was staying in one. Chris rode to church with Ed and faithfully attended each Sabbath for some time, quietly and humbly soaking up the friendly fellowship and spiritual atmosphere through the Sabbath school class and sermons during the worship hour.

One day, Ed suggested to Bill Pyke, the official part-time Bible Worker for the Sullivan church, that he should visit their place to study the Bible with Chris. Bill immediately made plans and arrangements to meet at Ed’s home, which was a good way out in the country. They started meeting on Thursday evenings, and since Bill had authored his own Bible lessons (Truth for the End Times), which he hoped to get published soon, they started using them as lesson guides. Ed, Chris and Bill would meet, and occasionally, a few of Ed’s nephews or acquaintances would step in and join or listen in. A little way into the study, some out-of-county work assignments in the St. Louis area temporarily took Chris away from their weekly Bible study group. But eventually, after several months, their routine resumed.

Throughout this journey, Chris eagerly absorbed the lessons and often expressed his appreciation for the truths he was learning. But most of all, he enthusiastically remarked about his deep love for Jesus and, with tears in his eyes, shared the different times when his life had been miraculously spared for a reason—

and now he knew why!

He realized God had a plan for his life, and a new purpose had dawned upon him. He shared his newfound faith with others, including on social media, whenever he could. He had become a missionary in his own right!

Chris’s spiritual growth culminated in his baptism on April 6, 2024. Following this significant event, a few more people joined the study group, inspired by Chris’s transformation. Bill reflected that nothing was more thrilling than seeing a common, humble, friendly man turn from a worldly lifestyle, give his life over to Jesus, enthusiastically accept the gospel and Three Angels’ messages, and commit his life to Christ through baptism.

No other experience could compare to this!

Bill said that if all their church members could get involved in some way or another according to their God-given gifts and talents, what a revival would unfold across their churches, local conferences, unions, and divisions! He humbly asked the Lord to give them a deeper appreciation of His truth, His salvation, and a fervent hunger for souls. Precious souls were out there, just waiting to be gathered in!