Hosted by documentary filmmaker Nina Vallado and Humans of Adventism creator Kaleb Eisele, How the Church Works is an eleven-part investigative podcast that examines Adventist history, identity and legacy, and if Adventism is relevant in our changing world.

“We didn’t shy away from the tough questions. While researching this podcast over the last year, we learned some things that completely changed the way we look at the church – that early Adventists were abolitionists, there was a plot to declare Ellen White’s successor that included murder, that the Adventist church structure is designed to be decentralized, and that the church’s system of tithe is trickle up, not trickle down. We also learned that our structures, beliefs, and practices are not rigid, and what our past means for our future.”

If you have curiosity, confusion or frustration about how the church works, this podcast is for you.