Seven young evangelists from the Aurora First Seventh-day Adventist Church in Aurora, Colorado, followed Jesus’ counsel found in Mark 10 and became young evangelists for a weekend, starting May 10. Ranging in age between seven and 15 years old, they preached from an array of topics within the theme of The Kingdom of Children.

Jesus said, Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such of these (Mark 10:14, NIV). Jesus added in Matthew, Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 18:3, NIV).

On May 10, four speakers presented the gospel news to the delight of the 60 people in attendance who went home encouraged by their dedication and commitment. The event continued on the May 11 Sabbath service before an almost full house at the church. Three more young evangelists expounded the Word of God at the service and led a special dedication to all the mothers in attendance. A special potluck was also dedicated to them.

Additionally, the praise team was led by the children’s choir, who also performed the special music. Juliette Ombogo, children’s ministries director at Aurora First remarked, “The childrens’ evangelism was a blessing. Children have a unique way of commanding your attention in such a humble way.”

The weekend event was part of the month-long theme  of Youth Evangelism, which concluded with a Youth Sabbath on May 25 with Rocky Mountain Conference youth director Brandon Westgate as the guest speaker.

The young evangelists expressed a sense of belonging, just as prophet Jeremiah had expressed:

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations” (Jer. 1:5, NIV).

It is this divine appointment that really makes children and youth feel empowered and an active part of the present church.

Philip Morgan, church elder, stated,

“The young evangelists were very courageous and bold in speaking up for the Lord. Their messages edified, inspired and challenged us to be willing witnesses for God and His kingdom.”

Children and youth alike need to be intentionally included in the church’s worship experience. In fact, there are seven more children already lined up for next year’s Children Evangelism weekend, and the church is also planning a separate weeklong youth evangelistic campaign conducted by the church’s youth. Children and young people alike are an integral part of the vision and mission of the Aurora First Church, as they strive diligently to become a lighthouse in the surrounding community.

The Kingdom of Children’s weekend was a reminder that God’s power can use any willing human being. All seven young evangelists were on point and admonished us to become like little children. May the Lord grant all of us access to the heavenly kingdom.