The General Conference has invited my wife Dalyne and myself to serve as fulltime missionaries for the East-Central Africa Division (ECD) in Nairobi, Kenya, and we have accepted the call.
On the beautiful Advent Hill adjacent to the denomination’s ECD headquarters and the Adventist University of Africa sits historic Maxwell Adventist Academy, an institution of higher learning for young people whose parents are missionaries or inter-division workers for the ECD. I have been asked to serve as the dean of Maxwell Adventist Academy and Dalyne will be serving as the elementary teacher.
We are excited to have this opportunity to be fulltime missionaries for the world church. We received the call last year but turned it down as we felt there was still more God needed us to do in Central States. But when the call came again this year, we prayed and clearly knew this was God’s will for our lives.
Please keep us in prayer as we embark on this new adventure and continue to engage in selfless service for the Savior.