Mary Ann Romans, a member of the Campion Church in Loveland, Colorado, was awarded the 2013 Augusta Award, the national employee-of-the-year award given by the Good Samaritan Society. The Good Samaritan Society is the nation’s largest not-for-profit provider of senior care and services, employing 27,000 people in 240 locations in 23 states.

Mary Ann received 21 separate nominations from her fellow staff members, as well as a nomination from a resident’s family. After winning the local award, her nomination went on to capture the state and national awards. She was honored at a banquet at the corporate headquarters in Sioux Falls, South Dakota in June of this year.

“Mary Ann is an amazing woman. She has an energy about her that is infectious,” said Lisa Melby, executive director at the Loveland center. “Her kind spirit and cheerful disposition make her fun to be around.” Co-workers say that Mary Ann exemplifies Jesus as she works, and that she works with lightning speed yet always has time to talk with residents and brighten their day. “She anticipates the needs of our residents and always meets them with a smile and great attitude. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her without a smile on her face,” another co-worker said.

One person who nominated Mary Ann wrote that she “keeps her watchful eye on the residents for their safety, gives a needed hug to someone, makes others laugh, encourages her co-workers and accommodates requests from family members.” Others noted that Mary Ann is often heard singing with residents.

Mary Ann’s co-workers say she is the best thing that ever happened to the Good Samaritan Society and is a blessing to every person she meets. One staff member commented that she lives a life of faith and is loving to both staff and residents. “If ever I have seen Jesus, it is in her unending kindness.”

Mary Ann fixes meals for staff members who are sick, raises money for charities, and went on a mission trip a few years ago to an orphanage in Mexico and called it her favorite vacation.

In the Campion Church, Mary Ann serves as social committee leader, where her cheerful attitude and energy is a blessing and inspiration for everyone.


Author Ardis Stenbakken is communication director for the Campion Church.