Brass Tacks
Immovable Markers Differing Weights and Measures Confusing Meanings Babylon Needs Confusion In 1813, the U. S. Treasury Department defined a legal yard using lines engraved …
Immovable Markers Differing Weights and Measures Confusing Meanings Babylon Needs Confusion In 1813, the U. S. Treasury Department defined a legal yard using lines engraved …
Someone who read the previous blog contacted me and said, “I read that the Lord confused the language rather than Babylon confused their own.” Of …
Flood as De-Creation/Re-Creation Creation Re-booted The Fall Renewed The Agent of Disorder Genesis depicts the flood as a de-creation/re-creation. For example, in creation, the waters …
I had never imagined that I would find myself swinging a pickax in the middle of a gravel road. I was literally digging a hole …
Let me be clear about what I am saying: we currently reside in Babylon. I am not saying that this or that church or institution …