Union College Dedicates New Student Missionaries
During the final chapel service of the 2011-12 school year, 21 prospective Union College student missionaries and task force workers were dedicated for a year …
During the final chapel service of the 2011-12 school year, 21 prospective Union College student missionaries and task force workers were dedicated for a year …
Cassi Fitzpatrick, senior communication major at Union College in Lincoln, Nebraska has already begun her public relations career. Two years ago while serving as a …
DailyTekk.com is a brand new weblog featuring useful technology tips and products for the wired office worker. Created by Chris McConnell, director of IT for …
During the holidays a friend and I were talking about how difficult it is to make good food choices when everywhere we turn we are …
My husband and I volunteer in our church’s library on a monthly basis, shelving returned books and helping readers find and check out new ones. …