All educational institutions operating in the name of the Seventh-day Adventist Church within the North American Division (NAD) follows a process for denominational accreditation through the Adventist Accrediting Association (AAA). Institutions are held accountable and must provide evidence that they are meeting church and national/provincial standards.

The accreditation process is a six-year cycle with years one to three years dedicated to progress reports and ongoing refinement of a continuous improvement plan. There is also a mid-cycle visit during year three unless the visiting team recommends an annual or bi-annual visit. Successful schools are continually monitoring progress and preparing for the next full visit in year six.

The Rocky Mountain Conference (RMC), in collaboration with the Mid America Union Conference (MAUC) Office of Education, has scheduled accreditation visits to six RMC schools during the 2024-2025 school year. 

Springs Adventist Academy (SAA) in Colorado Springs, Colorado, just completed their self-study and accreditation visit. Preparation for the visit involves school administration, teachers, school board, learners, and parents. Jennifer Angeles, SAA head teacher, and Doug Peterson, SAA School Board chair, brought together a team to divide and conquer nine standards in the self-study.

The nine standards are divided into four domains—Purpose, Plan, Practice, Product—which are in alignment with the Core of Adventist Education Curriculum and our Journey to Excellence. Standards include curriculum and instruction, leadership, school environment, professional learning, communication, and school improvement. Throughout the self-study, schools are expected to provide evidence on what they are reporting.

Once SAA had completed their self-study, the visiting team spent the day at the academy to read the self-study, review evidence, visit classrooms, and talk with students and teachers. It was evident that many volunteers spent hours working together to prepare the school and grounds for the visit. 

The resources used for evidence in the self-study were organized and exceptional. The visiting team spent the day responding to the study and making recommendations, as needed, to ensure a commitment to continuous improvement. At the end of the day, the team met with the school staff and available board members to review the report. A highlight was the positive feedback from parents and students on what they appreciate and value in the programming at Springs Adventist Academy.

There is an accountability factor in being part of a North American Division educational institution and the Rocky Mountain Conference is intentional in supporting the dedicated efforts of our schools to meet the expected standards and seek continual improvement. 

Congratulations to Springs Adventist Academy on the completion of a successful accreditation visit!

Does your church support a Rocky Mountain Conference school? If so, continue to stay informed and involved in the pursuit of excellence for Adventist education.

Sandy Hodgson is the RMC education assistant director.