A remodel project brings miracles, bonding for members, and community attention. The small, growing church in Windom is receiving a facelift. Recently, the church decided to step forward in faith with needed updates, repairs and changes to their building.

The church had been trying for a few years to get some needed updates and repairs started. The church hadn’t seen serious work since finishing the basement in the 1990s. However, they had no concrete plans and struggled to raise money.

By 2022, many of these repairs and updates were becoming a necessity. A new arrival to the Windom church, Andy Daum, was a huge help. With experience in building and designing, he was able to give the church specific plans to choose from and detailed material lists. A budget was agreed on and summer 2023 was set for construction to begin.

The church had $10,000 in January, and by construction time in June, they had $19,000. Going forward in faith, the church came together on a Sunday in June and began tearing off the front of the church.

The construction itself proved to be a blessing and a church-bonding experience. As the members worked together to provide the labor themselves as much as possible, they grew as a team. The more experienced builders have shared their knowledge with the younger generation. All are excited about the project. Josh Matimo got on a shallow rooftop and declared, “I’ve never done this before!”

The project has garnered attention from the population of Windom and surrounding areas. People slow as they drive by and the small town gossip mill spreads the news to surrounding towns. Coworkers and friends talked to the church members and asked about what is happening.

By winter, the church boasted a new, handicapped-accessible, covered drive-up entrance, new siding on the front, and a new door. The real miracle was in the funds raised. Including a matching fund drive and a donation from an out-of-state nonmember, they raised $57,000. They have already purchased the siding to finish the outside next summer. “We thought we would have to borrow to finish the project long before this,” says Patty Berlin, church treasurer.

Along with the rest of the siding, they will replace windows and trim and make necessary indoor remodels to accommodate the updates. With a promising beginning, they look forward with hope to the coming building season.

As they continue to step forward in faith, they pray about the future and the needs of their growing church and ministry to the surrounding area. They don’t want to lose this fabulous momentum.