Andrews Christian Academy  students have learned about the glory of God and the magnificence of the heavens.

Oreo cookies and the phases of the moon?  This was an exercise to learn about the moon’s phases…with a special treat at the end.  Ms. Schebo’s middle-grade students recently studied more about the heavens and enjoyed a treat, too.

Early in April, the students donned their safety glasses to experience the stunning solar eclipse.  What fun to study about the event and then go outdoors to experience it during the school day.

Principal Mrs. Olson said, “…there was lots of excitement when ACA students got to enjoy the solar eclipse! We had interesting lessons, then went out to view it!”

Psalm 19:1 says,

“The heavens declare the glory of God;
And the firmament shows His handiwork.”

How amazing to know that the creator of the universe is a God of such precise order and beautiful splendor.  Scientists predicted when and where the eclipse would occur and how long it would last at every location.  The students at ACA were witnesses to His astounding greatness.

Carol Bradley is a member of the Cedar Rapids Church in Iowa.