Taking part in a mission trip through AdventHealth can be a worthwhile experience for everyone involved—from the patients to the volunteers providing care. It’s an experience that stays with each participant long after the journey ends.

Recently Dr. Raj Bolson, an orthopedic hand surgeon from AdventHealth Medical Group Orthopedics & Sports Medicine at Castle Rock, jumped at the opportunity to travel to Nepal as part of her first medical mission trip with AdventHealth’s Global Mission program.

When Dr. Bolson first joined AdventHealth she shared her interest in participating in a mission trip to Rwanda in central Africa. At the time, however, the group that was going needed a trauma surgeon instead, so she wasn’t able to join. That changed when she received an invitation to serve on a mission trip to Nepal where a hand surgeon was needed.

“It worked out well. I was happy they remembered me and asked if I wanted to come,”

said Dr. Bolson.

The mission trip included stops in Bangkok, Thailand, Kathmandu, Nepal, and other locations during a week and a half approximately. The group included mostly team members from AdventHealth Littleton.

From day one after arriving in Nepal, Dr. Bolson set out to help. After settling down and unpacking, she met officials from Scheer Memorial Adventist Hospital, a partner hospital that is part of the Global Missions program. By that afternoon, she had surgery scheduled.

For the remainder of the mission trip, Dr. Bolson participated in clinic activities and scheduled surgeries each day. She also spent time in the emergency room with patients.

“The patients were so grateful and kind. They waved at me after surgery and as I was leaving on the bus. It was really special,” said Dr. Bolson.

She also found time to share three presentations with the hospital team.

“I was very impressed with the physicians there and everything that they do for the patients,”

said Dr. Bolson.

While this was her first medical mission trip with AdventHealth, she can guarantee it will not be her last, thanks to the lasting impression it left on her.

“It was eye opening to me. I learned a lot and I felt grateful when I came back for the resources I have,”

said Dr. Bolson. “It is an excellent opportunity to broaden horizons and gain perspective on health care in different parts of the world and it links our health care community together across the world.”


To learn more about AdventHealth Global Missions, visit AdventHealth.com/GlobalMissions.

Derek Kopp is a regional communications specialist at AdventHealth in the Rocky Mountain Region.