The story of Samson is so enlightening to me. His life and the expectations that were put upon him by his parents seemed too much for him. The expectations God had for him seemed overwhelming. After awhile Samson felt abandoned by God and left to handle things on his own, until he confessed and asked for forgiveness seeking God one more time.

How many of us plead with God for one more time? Just like Samson our lives are ordained for greatness to accomplish supernatural things, but our selfish desires get in the way of surrendering to God so He can do wonderful things in and through us.

Although we may sometimes keep making mistakes and make a mess of our lives and abandon God’s ways and His counsel, when we do come back with tears flowing down our face asking God to pull us out of the pit we dug for ourselves, God always comes through and forgives us. He gives us another chance.

Here are three valuable lessons I believe we can take from the life of Samson:

  1. I am called by God to His way and His leadership. My life is not my own anymore. I must follow God and keep His commandments.
  2. The sooner we surrender to the call of God, the more peace, joy and protection we will receive from God.  Freedom comes through surrender. God may have to give us an attitude adjustment to receive and accept his call to follow his will, whatever he asks of us.
  3. God gives us time and he has patience. He will wait for us. We are not waiting on God; God is waiting on us to say yes. Learning to be content with God’s will can help us live a prosperous, abundant witnessing life.   

In conclusion, do not be like Samson. Instead “be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that our labour is not in vain” (1 Cor. 15:58). 

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