More on the road less traveled
I’ve never left without a scar
But I’d rather skin my knee on dirt
Then burn my feet on tar

I walk the ways not paved
Because there’s world out there set idle
Just waiting for a humble pilgrim
To walk that extra mile

I have with me some company
Just the friend I need
Just a friend who, if given the choice
Chooses to be with me

Rust is a risk for all my joints
When I find myself not moving
I shake off the chains that hold me down
When I feel that’s what life’s doing

I took deep breaths in view of it all
Good things seem to always pass
So I soak up every detail
So my memory can make it last

I may never do the perfect thing
Or be the perfect man
But I’ll always walk the extra mile
To show I’ll do all i can

– Caleb Osvold
Copywrite, 7-8-18


Caleb Osvold was born and raised in Minnesota, but never turns down an opportunity to travel. This has led him to experience almost all central and western states, as well as three countries in South and Central America. He thoroughly enjoys every minute of adventure, and refuses to ignore the undeniable evidence of Christ’s character in the nature around him. One particular and continual lesson in love is shown to him through his dog, Cronos. God saw fit to bless him with company in a time in life when it was most needed. And He thanks God for him every day.
Caleb has been writing since he was quite young, and has always had a deep passion for the written word. He firmly believes—that in his case at least—there are some expressions and emotions that can only be written. And for the past many years he has been doing just that. Expressing emotion in the only way he knows how— writing it down.