Pastors, administrators and various department directors from the Central States, Kansas-Nebraska and Iowa-Missouri conferences recently came together in Kansas City for joint workers’ meetings.

Over four days, colleagues across conference lines got to know one another and enriched their own ministries through shared hopes, challenges and ideas. Many also bonded through recreational sports in the Central States Conference gymnasium.

Guest speakers were Carlton Byrd, senior pastor of Oakwood University Church and speaker/director of the Breath of Life television broadcast; and Pavel Goia, pastor and editor of Ministry Magazine. Byrd spoke on various aspects of public evangelism, and Goia shared amazing testimonies about the power of prayer. Devotionals each day were given by conference presidents Roger Bernard (CS), Ron Carlson (KS-NE) and Dean Coridan (IA-MO). Presentations were made by Union College and media ministries Voice of Prophecy and It Is Written, and time was also allotted during the week for staff of each conference to meet individually for conference-specific business items.

This was the first time the three conferences held combined workers’ meetings, and the response was overwhelmingly positive. “I heard from many of our pastors and several from the other conferences, and they all had great things to say,” said Coridan. “Having the meetings together provided a wonderful opportunity for workers from different conferences to fellowship and learn from one another.” Coridan went on to say the resulting larger venue also made it possible to bring in guest speakers that may not have been available for three smaller events.

Listen to audio of the presentation at