Nearly 100 youth and young adults attended the first meeting of a brand-new, monthly city-wide Sabbath afternoon youth program reminiscent of MV or AY. This initiative—the brainchild of Wichita-area youth, youth leaders and pastors—features youth-led worship, messages and activities.
Students in 9th and 10th grade Bible classes at Wichita Adventist Christian Academy chose the 2017 theme: “God Is Fire”/“Dios Es Fuego.” They have begun to experience how a relationship with Jesus catches fire in the hearts of youth, both those who have not yet had the opportunity to start a life-long relationship with Jesus and those who are becoming ardent disciples reflecting His character to others.
This cross-cultural and generational phenomenon is including participants and leadership from all five Wichita area churches. Since the first gathering, a different church has hosted the event each month. Those involved say they hope this event will continue to provide a vibrant cross–cultural, bilingual and friendly spiritual atmosphere for youth and young adults of the Wichita area and eventually in other places as well.
—Jean-Marcel Clouzet is associate pastor for the Wichita South and Harper churches.