Over 60 individuals participated in the Vacation Bible eXPerience training (VBX), formerly known as VBS, during the Rocky Mountain Conference Children’s Ministries event hosted at the Denver South Hispanic Church as part of the North American Division Certification for Parenting March 30-April 1.

Pastor Caesar Pompa and his church hosted the training which brought together Children’s Ministries leaders from over 12 churches in the greater Denver area and included certification for parenting. Event organizers were Elder Ruben Rivera, Hispanic coordinator of the Rocky Mountain Conference, and his wife Patty Rivera, Rocky Mountain representative for the Mid-America Union.

On Sabbath Pastor Justo Morales spoke to a full house. Elder Morales and his wife, Rosa, serve the North American Division as official instructors for Children’s Ministries. Representing the Mid-America Union was Hubert Cisneros, Church Ministries director.

Cactusville VBX

The theme of the summer VBX program is Cactusville Ranch, where children will learn about the faith of the great heroes of the Bible. The NAD Children’s Ministries Department, led by Sherri Uhrig and Melanie Cruz, has begun a new initiative for producing the best children’s programming for Seventh-day Adventist Churches.

Having a VBX for your neighborhood is a great way to do evangelism for your church. You can order your own VBX Kit through AdventSource (800.328.0525), your publishing house servicing the Mid-America Union, the NAD and the world.

Jesus told the apostle Peter to feed the lambs before He said to lead and feed the sheep. We applaud those churches who take the directive of Jesus Christ seriously. May God bless all our churches that make ministry to children their first priority.



Rosa and Justo Morales, Hubert Cisneros, Patty and Ruben Rivera

(l-r) Rosa and Justo Morales, Hubert Cisneros, Patty and Ruben Rivera