Adventist News

  • V. Lindsay’s Back to School Splash Engages Community

    The V. Lindsay Seventh-day Adventist School in Kansas City, Kansas, hosted its third annual Back to School Splash last July. The Back to School Splash, sponsored by V. Lindsay alumnus Stephen R. Williams, donated backpacks filled with school supplies to over 200 children, entertained approximately 350 guests, and provided V. Lindsay families, local churches, and the surrounding community with a family event filled with live music, games, food, and vendors. Participants greatly enjoyed the water activities such as slip and slides, wet bounce houses, waterslides and a bubble machine. Williams sponsors this now annual event because of his belief in the need for and power of Christian education and  V Lindsay School in particular. Although the days and weeks before the event are stressful, he is already considering themes and looking forward to V Lindsay’s next back to school event. Information provided by the Law Office of Stephen R. Williams, LLC To learn more about the V. Lindsay school visit    

  • Reaching Further: MWA Campus Ministries’ Digital Mission

    Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4: 10 In an increasingly digital world, Maplewood Academy is taking an exciting new step by launching a dedicated social media platform for their Campus Ministries. This initiative stems from a desire to meet students where they are— focusing on training young leaders and creating a space that fosters faith, connection and spiritual growth, while enhancing their ministry skills. Why social media for Campus Ministries? At Maplewood Academy, we believe our mission extends beyond traditional classrooms; it’s about training young people to be God’s missionaries. As an academy that loves the Lord, we are dedicated to equipping students for His work. Through this new initiative, Campus Ministries will empower students to explore their faith, ask questions, share their testimonies, grow together in Christ, and share His love with a broader audience. This is not just another social media account; it’s a ministry designed to impact lives in meaningful ways. After all, social media is more than just a platform for updates and entertainment—it’s a dynamic space for meaningful conversations and connections as well. The vision: Student-led, Spirit-focused One of the most exciting aspects of this project is the involvement of students in leading and creating content. From devotionals to testimonies, faith-filled podcasts (audio and video), Praise & Worship on Friday evenings, and live prayer sessions, the heart of this platform is student leadership. We believe that giving students a voice in ministry will encourage them to take ownership of their faith while also inspiring their peers. Through videos, posts and stories, students will share their personal experiences with Jesus—creating a ripple effect that spreads hope, encouragement and inspiration. Whether it’s a brief testimony, a Bible study session, or a praise report, each piece of content will reflect our desire to draw others closer to Jesus. MWA staff, faculty, alumni and the community are also welcome to join in! What you can expect The Campus Ministries social media platform will feature a variety of content aimed for the student body and beyond. Our goal is to make this platform a place where faith can be discussed openly and where everyone can find spiritual nourishment, no matter where they are in their journey. Additionally, we are encouraging students to invite friends and family to follow the platform to expand our reach to even more people who might be looking for hope and guidance. A gift that made it possible and looking ahead We’re incredibly grateful for the generous donation that has allowed us to purchase the initial media equipment needed to bring this vision to life. We need more equipment (cameras, lenses, tripods, microphones, lights, etc.), but this gift has inspired us to start and create content that we hope will touch hearts and change lives. This is just the beginning. As we move forward, we plan to expand our content, collaborate with other ministries, and create even more opportunities for students to engage with their faith online. We invite you to follow, share and support us as we start on this new chapter. But mostly, keep us in your prayers! Stay tuned for more updates and join us as we bring faith to the forefront of the digital world. Together, we can build a community that shares the love of Christ with everyone, everywhere until He comes! Maplewood Academy: learn, connect, and grow in Jesus! September DeFranca is the chaplain/Bible teacher at Maplewood Academy in Hutchinson, Minnesota.  

  • Elementary School Re-opens in Nebraska

    When the Grand Island Church in Nebraska was faced with the reality that we would not be able to continue having a church school, no one thought that just one year later God would open the doors with miracle after miracle of providing everything we needed every step of the way. Being a part of a smaller community, finances and interest can quickly become a reality check.  Even though the vote nearly went 100 percent for closing the Platte Valley Adventist School, it was clear that it was not because we did not want or believe in Christian education. There was an expressed desire that we would strive to, once again, one day be able to offer a school where the children could learn not only the 3 R’s, but also learn more about Jesus and grow more in love with Him.  When the church board voted to form a committee to begin to explore the re-opening of the school, God began working His miracles as only He can. God provided—and continues to provide—for every financial hurdle through His wonderful people who have opened their hearts and given liberally toward the cause which the Lord’s servant has identified as such an important priority.  Due to the shortage of teachers and not having a full year to conduct a search, we were concerned about securing a teacher. It seemed we would have to delay the re-opening yet another year. Once again, God demonstrated His faithfulness by providing a wonderful Christian named Cheryl Magallanes who deeply loves Jesus and lets that love guide her in teaching and caring for her students! As a church family we praise God and give Him all the glory for His goodness and love! Abel Santiago pastors the Grand Island, Hastings and Aurora churches in Central Nebraska.

  • Regenerative Agriculture for Youth Program Bears Good Fruit

    Sunnydale Adventist Elementary School is taking John 15 to heart. Students are learning about the importance of agriculture and enriching the campus with a variety of fruit. As students have spent time learning how to prepare, plant and maintain a garden/orchard, they have also learned about responsibility, resourcefulness and perseverance. “A greater effort should be made to create and to encourage an interest in agricultural pursuits. Let the teacher call attention to what the Bible says about agriculture: that it was God’s plan for man to till the earth; that the first man, the ruler of the whole world, was given a garden to cultivate; and that many of the world’s greatest men have been tillers of the soil” (Ellen G. White, Education, 219). Having students take part in agriculture has many positive outcomes. They are better able to think long-term and generate plans. Their cooperative skills increase, and classroom behavior improves when they take part in outdoor learning. When asked what they like about agriculture, students stated: ‘I like getting my hands dirty!’; ‘It’s cool to see the plants grow’; ‘Being outside is always better than inside’; ‘I love eating the berries.’ The Regenerative Agriculture for Youth program has already added over 300 berry plants to campus. A generous donation from Hartmann’s Plant Company just added another 375 plants. There are many varieties of blackberries and raspberries, including yellow, black and purple raspberries. The long-term plan is to teach students about vine maintenance and harvest as the vines grow. Students have also been learning to plant and tend fruit trees. The RAY program put in an orchard by the elementary school. It is home to 45 different varieties of apples, peaches, plums and apricots. Students have taken an interest in the growth and development of these trees since they have a personal connection to them. They enjoyed their first apple harvest this year. Eventually, the fruit sales will benefit our school and our students. At Sunnydale Adventist Elementary, it is our goal to truly bear good fruit! Kirsten Mathis is the principal of Sunnydale Adventist Elementary School.



  • Thrive in Health: Join the 14-Day Smoothie Fast Cleanse and Refresh: A 14-Day Smoothie Challenge to Kickstart Your Health

    Welcome to “We’re Not Just Surviving—We’re Thriving!” This year, let’s commit to thriving in health with a powerful detox. I’m starting a 14-day smoothie fast, and I’d love for you to join me! It’s a simple, effective way to cleanse your system, boost your energy, and get your health on the right track. If you have medical concerns, be sure to consult your physician. You may want to drink a smoothie once a day and eat your other meals. Modify or make adjustments according to what you can tolerate.  If you are a diabetic you may have to modify the ingredients. My First Detox Smoothie For my first smoothie, I’ve combined: Distilled water for hydration and cleansing. Celery to flush toxins and support digestion. Kale and lettuce for a nutrient-packed green base. Chives for added flavor and health benefits. Garlic for its powerful immune-boosting, antibacterial, and antiviral properties. Blended into a liquid consistency, this green smoothie is a refreshing start to the day. Not only does it hydrate, but it also supports your body’s natural detoxification processes. Ready for the Challenge? I’m challenging you to join me on this 14-day smoothie journey! You can customize your smoothies with greens, fruits, and natural ingredients to suit your taste and health goals. Together, we’ll cleanse, refresh, and thrive—not just survive. Want to see exactly how I’m doing it? Click below to watch the full video now! Let’s Thrive Together Starting the new year with a cleanse is a great way to reset your body and mind. Share your comments, favorite smoothie recipes, or your progress on this challenge. Let’s support each other as we thrive in health! Here’s to thriving—not just surviving. God bless!

  • Let Justice Flow: The Love That Inspired Martin Luther King Jr. Amos 5

    In his iconic “I Have a Dream” speech, Martin Luther King Jr. invoked the powerful imagery of Amos 5:24: “But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!” This biblical verse perfectly encapsulated King’s vision of a society where justice and righteousness flow freely, lifting up the oppressed and restoring balance in human relationships. For King, this dream was not merely political or social; it was deeply spiritual. His motivations were rooted in love—a love that reflected the character of Christ. Martin Luther King Jr. believed in the transformative power of love and justice as taught in the Bible. His commitment to nonviolence and equality was more than a strategy; it was a reflection of his faith in God’s ability to bring about true justice. King’s use of Amos 5 in his speech was intentional. The prophet Amos delivered a message to Israel, condemning empty rituals and calling for genuine justice. Likewise, King’s call for justice was a plea for more than surface-level changes. He sought a transformation of hearts and systems to reflect God’s righteousness. Seventh-day Adventists can resonate with King’s message. As a people who believe in preparing for Christ’s return, we are called to embody justice and mercy in our daily lives. Ellen G. White writes: “Christ’s followers have been redeemed for service. Our Lord teaches that the true object of life is ministry” (Christ’s Object Lessons, p. 326). Just as King ministered through his advocacy for civil rights, we are called to work for justice and uplift those in need. King’s approach to justice was inseparable from his love for humanity. In his sermon “Loving Your Enemies,” he described love as a powerful force that can transform enemies into friends. This echoes Christ’s teachings in Matthew 5:44: “But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” King’s commitment to nonviolence was grounded in the belief that love is stronger than hate and that only love can break the cycle of violence and oppression. As Seventh-day Adventists, we are reminded of our own call to love and justice through the writings of Ellen White. She admonished the church to engage in social justice and care for the marginalized, stating: “Pure religion and undefiled before the Father is this: to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world” (Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 2, p. 25). Our faith must extend beyond personal piety to active involvement in relieving suffering and promoting fairness. King’s vision of justice rolling like a river aligns with the Adventist understanding of God’s ultimate plan for humanity. Revelation 21:4 assures us of a future where God “will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death… or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” King’s life and work challenge us to examine our own actions. Are we letting justice roll through our lives and communities? Are we motivated by love, as Christ and King were? The Bible calls us to “act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8). This is not an optional part of the Christian life; it is central to our identity as followers of Christ. In practical terms, this means reaching out to those who are hurting, speaking up for the voiceless, and living out the principles of God’s kingdom. Whether it is volunteering at a food bank, advocating for fair treatment of workers, or simply treating others with dignity, every act of love and justice reflects God’s character. Martin Luther King Jr. reminds us that justice and love are inseparable. As Seventh-day Adventists, we have the privilege and responsibility to let our faith inspire action. By doing so, we can help fulfill the vision of Amos and King—a world where justice flows like a mighty river, bringing healing and hope to all. Article curated and edited by Hugh Davis with help from ChatGPT.

  • Prevent Suicide The Teacher’s Notes–God Is Passionate and Compassionate, Lesson 4 Adult Bible Study Guide, 2025 1Q, "God's Love and Justice"

    Sabbath School Lesson for January 18-24, 2025 Introduction of Lesson 4, God Is Passionate and Compassionate Memory Text: ” ‘Can a woman forget her nursing child, and not have compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget, yet I will not forget you.’ ” Isaiah 49:15 NKJV God’s emotions are often described in human terms like that of a mother, father, or married couple. Emotions are not bad in themselves, even though we humans often mishandle them. God has endowed His created beings with the capacity to be emotional, and He Himself often passionately displays emotions, such as love, anger, and even jealousy. Uncontrolled emotions in humans, however, can result in experiencing and displaying them in problematic ways. God’s emotions, on the other hand, are perfectly balanced, rational, and controlled. His response to our negative behaviors, for instance, is totally in line with the loving, merciful character of our perfect Creator. In order for us to manage our emotions in the most positive and uplifting way, we would do well to explore more fully the emotions of God, which include both His passionate and compassionate nature in dealing with the problems of His people. Sunday: More Than a Mother’s Love–God is the perfect parent figure. Monday: Gut-Wrenching Love–God’s emotions are not only tender, they are deep. Tuesday: The Compassion of Jesus–Jesus’ compassion moved Him to action. Wednesday: A Jealous God?–God’s jealousy is never unprovoked or unreasonable. Thursday: Compassion and Passionate–We can trust God to help us control our emotions. Sunday: More Than a Mother’s Love We are shown many times in the Scriptures how God’s love is like that of a parent. Isaiah 49:15 reminds us of a mother’s love for her newborn, which causes her to tenderly meet the physical needs of that child. Certainly, many people are fortunate enough to have mothers who excel in the kind of love needed by their children for their whole lives. Even though some mothers fail to supply that love, God will never fail to love us with all the motherly, tender-loving care we need to grow spiritually in this world. God longs to be our “parent” (father and mother)–protecting us from danger, carrying us in His arms, shielding us from the storms of life. As the psalmist says, “As a father pities his children, so the Lord pities those who fear Him” (Psalm 103:13). When our own parents are missing or negligent, maybe even abusive, it is comforting to know that our heavenly Father is there to fill in the gaping holes of our love cup and fill it to overflowing (Psalm 23:5). Good parents, even when they aren’t our own, can be found to help us understand God’s love. There’s always room at the family table God has prepared for us. Verses to discuss: Psalm 103:13 and Isaiah 49:15 Where else in the Bible are we reminded of God’s parental role in loving us? Monday: Gut-Wrenching Love We find in Hosea 11:1-9 a passage that describes the churning emotions of a parent for their child. In this case, it is Ephraim, the youngest son of Joseph, whom Jacob adopted as his own. God blessed his tribe abundantly when the twelve tribes were set up in Israel, until the Assyrians later invaded those who had turned away from God. Parents readily understand how it grieves the heart of God whenever punishment is needed and the consequences of sin are felt by His wayward children. The deep-felt emotions of God were also exemplified in the case of Hosea’s marriage. God gave this prophet the unusual instruction to take a harlot for a wife (Hosea 1:2). Through this troubled marriage, Hosea and those who knew him understood more clearly how God feels when His beloved people reject His love and turn their backs on Him in idolatry. The unfaithful actions of Hosea’s wife caused him to repeatedly woo her back, and even raise her illegitimate children. We can’t help but see the deep emotions of God in these examples. King Solomon was able to determine which woman was the mother of a child they both claimed as their own by their reactions when he offered to cut the baby in half. 1 Kings 3:26 says the real mother “yearned with compassion” for the baby to the point of offering to let the other woman take him. This shows us the kind of sacrificial love God has for His children. What devastating pain we cause our heavenly Father when we turn our backs on Him and don’t take full advantage of His amazing, sacrificial love for us. Verses to discuss: Hosea 11:1-9 and Jeremiah 31:20 Who does Ephraim represent in these verses? 1 Kings 3:26 Why was it obvious who the real mother was? What does this show us about God’s reaction when we fall into the dangerous clasp of Satan? Tuesday: The Compassion of Jesus The Bible is full of God’s mercy and compassion. It originates with Him, who is the “Father of mercies and God of all comfort” (2 Corinthians 1:3). Ephesians 2:4 says He is “rich in mercies”, causing Him to redeem us because of that “great love” He has for humans. Jesus, who came to show us the Father, was likewise full of compassion, especially when He saw the multitudes of people who were suffering and in need of comfort. Many times we are told that He healed all who came to Him (Luke 4:40). This should move us to action for those in need as well, when we see with the eyes of Jesus and feel that same, overwhelming compassion and love. Jesus lamented over the city of Jerusalem and expressed the desire to take the people under His wings, like a hen who gathers her chicks (Matthew 23:37). And this same sentiment and expression of finding refuge under His wings is found in the Old Testament, such as in Deuteronomy 32:11 and Psalm 91:4. God has always had compassion on us, and we should find ourselves The Teacher’s Notes–God Is Passionate and Compassionate, Lesson 4 Adult Bible Study Guide, 2025 1Q, “God’s Love and Justice”“>Read more…

  • Thrive in Health: Detoxing Your Body and Mind Sweat, Detox, and Thrive: A Simple Guide to At-Home Wellness

    Welcome to “We’re Not Just Surviving—We’re Thriving!” Today, I’m sharing an exciting part of my wellness journey—detoxing at home with a portable sauna. Detoxing is a powerful way to support your body, refresh your mind, and renew your spirit. You don’t need a fancy spa or gym to get started. With a few simple tools and techniques, you can embrace a healthy lifestyle right from the comfort of your home. My At-Home Detox Routine This week, I’m using my portable sauna as part of my detox plan. It’s a compact, heated unit that helps open pores, release toxins, and improve circulation. Paired with contrast showers, detox baths, and healthy morning habits like warm lemon water, it’s all about creating a complete experience to feel refreshed and rejuvenated. Tips for Your Detox Journey Try a portable sauna. It’s convenient, effective, and easy to set up. Incorporate contrast showers. Alternate between hot and cold water for improved circulation. Take detox baths. Add baking soda, Dead Sea salt, and Epsom salt to your bath to support your skin and relaxation. Stay active. Even in the sauna, you can do simple movements like bicep curls or stretches. See How It’s Done Curious about how this works and how you can incorporate it into your life? Click below to watch the full video now! Discover how to thrive—not just survive—in health by making small, intentional changes that nurture your body, mind, and spirit. Let’s Thrive Together Detoxing is more than just sweating—it’s a way to reset, renew, and thrive in every area of your life. Let’s embrace this journey together. Don’t forget to share your own tips and experiences in the comments. Here’s to thriving in health and beyond. God bless!


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