FullSizeRender (1)During the recent North American Division Year-End Meetings, the 2014 Excellence in Ministry Award was given to Thomas Lemon, president of the Mid-America Union, for “distinguished service and faithfulness to vision” in serving multiple years on the board of Philanthropic Services for Institutions, a department of the NAD. Among other contributions, Lemon assisted in presenting a fundraising course for pastors.

PSI is the NAD’s internal consulting department, and is both a one-stop shop and a gateway to services for Seventh-day Adventist® universities and colleges, hospitals, churches, schools and community services organizations. PSI offers training (workshops, seminars, short presentations, courses, one-on-one training), provides education (assistance toward receiving certification, higher education class presentations, career advice, mentoring) and provides resources (library, on-line materials, hard-copy materials, publications, referrals to other organizations and their services).

More information on Philanthropic Services for Institutions