All my pastors have been human. (I know, what a disappointment, right?) That means they did not always act appropriately, agree with me theologically, smile easily or talk sweetly. Sadly, some did not stay married, stay Adventist or stay alive. That happens with humans.

As one of my pastors wisely said, “Negative and positive exist in every church; it’s just that the negative sounds louder.”

Encounters with pastors in my young adult years were especially tumultuous. Much of this time was spent in small churches in lay leadership. Sometimes these humans became pretty ugly. Sad. Yet, I remember something important: I’m human too. This is church. God’s opportunity to use humanity for good.

In childhood and adulthood I have had a healthy mix of attending both small and large churches. A pastor and a team of lay leaders working together can be so empowering to a smaller church and community. Several pastors, serving in one church, have amazing potential to provide balanced preaching and involvement based on varied expertise.

Let me tell you about my women’s pastor. The programs she provides for all women and young moms have been such a life saver to me. I’ve eaten countless meals and relaxed with free babysitting at these events. But it’s more than that. She’s human. Whether we’re eating fabulous pumpkin squares, talking about potty training, or studying the book of Malachi, Pastor A is part of all of it. Her encouragement and sound counsel come from years of raising her own brood in tight times.

When I first met Pastor A I was skeptical of her constant sweetness. I assumed it was another cool wall used for self-protection, as I had seen in pastor families before. As I began to get to know her, I came to trust her as genuine. Before I came to that conclusion, however, I spoke my doubts aloud to another church member. It wasn’t long before strong conviction came to me by the Holy Spirit during a Bible study she hosted. I had spoken against the Lord’s anointed, and I was wrong. God burdened me with a deep desire to make it right with Pastor A. Then, I could truly feel the warmth of her kindness.

So very precious are she and her colleagues. She goes out of her way to greet me and cheer on our little family. Her sweet smiles and hugs have done wonders for me over the last several years. When I look into the eyes of this precious woman of God, I feel no shame, only love and acceptance. This is a human through and through, transformed brightly by God to help His people on this earth.

I am a human church member. I make mistakes too. But, as a Christian, I have allowed Christ to live out His life through me. Let’s not forget that Jesus Christ was human.  Yet, He chose daily to live in step with His Heavenly Father. Humanity and divinity united in Him. He elevated us back to godliness.

We all have the glorious opportunity to let Christ live out His life through us, whether pastors or not. When this happens, amazing results are evident. The mystery is that together we can represent God to the world, which prepares for His coming.

My pastor won’t get a better seat on the cloud going back to heaven; but I want to make sure I am there, sitting close enough to watch her celebrate!

Are we not all ministers for Him?

  • Let’s be a team.
  • Stop being surprised and abrasive when they come off acting human.
  • We may not always get to be best buds with our leaders, but we can pray for them.
  • You know they pray for you.
  • Be appreciative.


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